Zákaz olova v mokradiach – hlasovanie

V nadväznosti na našu nedávnu informáciu môžeme potvrdiť, že slovenský zástupca vo výbore REACH v zmysle pokynu ministra hospodárstva písomne hlasoval PROTI návrhu zákazu používania streliva s obsahom olova v mokradiach. Na základe požiadavky Českej republiky však bol písomný postup hlasovania zastavený a hlasovanie bolo ukončené bez dosiahnutia konečného výsledku. Hlasovanie preto bude prebiehať opätovne, a to za osobnej účasti zástupcov jednotlivých štátov na zasadnutí výboru REACH. Presný termín hlasovania zatiaľ nie je známy.

Pre zaujímavosť citujeme z oficiálneho pozičného dokumentu k tejto téme z ktorého vyplýva odmietavé stanovisko SR k návrhu:

„SK position on the revised draft Commission Regulation amending Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No.1907/2006 (REACH) as regards lead in gunshot in or around wetlands.

Slovakia would like to thank the Commission for submitting a revised restriction proposal and for the opportunity to express our position on the proposal.

Wetlands represent a large part of our territory. The use of lead ammunition in waterfowl hunting in wetlands is prohibited in Slovakia from 1.1.2015 by Act no. 274/2009 Coll. on hunting.

We DO NOT AGREE with the proposal, specifically with the extension of the banned area i.e. the buffer zone up to 100 m from the wetlands. As wetlands are defined in the proposal, the extension of the ban would cover approximately 33.4% of hunting area in Slovakia (excluding urban areas).

Unlike precisely defined territory of wetlands of special importance on the map of the Slovak Republic, according to definition of wetlands in the proposal, it is not possible to set the precise boundaries of wetlands i.e. the enforcement of the restriction would be problematic and even unrealistic. For this reason, the Slovak Republic is of the opinion that, given the specific geographical conditions in individual MSs, the proposed restriction should allow the determination of wetland territory (including the buffer zones) to be within the competence of the Member States. The relevance of this requirement is also supported by insufficient information in the opinions of the ECHA Committees (RAC and SEAC) for SEA impacts in the buffer zones around the wetlands.

National legislation does not apply to restrictions on the carrying any lead ammunition in wetlands or as a part of going wetland shooting. We are of the opinion that these provisions go beyond REACH, and their workability and enforcement would be problematic.

We consider our current legislation sufficient. For the Slovak Republic a proposal that would not go beyond the framework of currently applicable national legislation is acceptable.

O ďalšom vývoji budeme priebežne informovať.

Boris Draškaba, podpredseda Združenia

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